What Can One Gift Spark?
After serving as the author of the Lambda Chi Alpha ritual in 1913, Dr. John E. "Jack" Mason Jr. (Pennsylvania 1913), our spiritual founder, went on to serve as an educator in his home state of Pennsylvania until his passing in 1946.
In his will, Brother Mason left a gift to Lambda Chi Alpha worth $2,500 to benefit current and future Brothers joining the Fraternity. The next General Assembly passed a resolution that established a trust known then as the John E. Mason Foundation that was to be operated exclusively for beneficent, charitable, literary, and educational purposes.
In 1968, the trust name was changed to the Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation, and in 1994, the Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation of Canada was formed to allow Canadian brothers tax relief in recognition of their charitable giving.
Brother Mason left a modest gift in his will that sowed the seeds to establish the Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation and from this humble beginning, that gift has grown to assets of more than $13 million today. His planned gift now supports thousands of Lambda Chi Brothers every year by providing funding for the Fraternity’s programs and conferences, as well as direct support in the form of academic scholarships, and emergency aid for those facing a crisis.
There are a variety of ways to create your legacy and maximize your philanthropic impact on Lambda Chi Alpha.
If you would like to discuss making a planned gift or if you already have a planned gift to Lambda Chi in your estate plans and would like to document it with the Foundation, please contact Foundation Vice President Nick Bratvold (South Dakota '16) at nbratvold@lambdachi.org or (605) 553-4497.

Your Values. Your Legacy.
When you leave a gift to Lambda Chi Alpha in your will, you support the legacy of Brother Mason's seed gift and light the way for future Brothers.
Light the Way for Future Brothers
Did you know that there are many ways to support Lambda Chi Alpha besides writing a check? Many people like to leave a gift to charity in their will because they care about causes that are important in their lives, and the impact can be powerful, no matter the size of the gift, as we've seen with Brother Mason. With a little planning, you can make a gift in your will or through other financial tools to the Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation that creates a lasting legacy in support of the Fraternity's mission and your future Brothers.
Why Consider Will Planning?
More than 50% of Americans believe will planning is important, but only 33% of adults have a will or living trust, according to a 2022 study by Caring.com. Researchers project that the amount of wealth transferred through 2045 will total $84.4 trillion with $72.6 trillion going to heirs, and $11.9 trillion donated to charities. The need for will planning has never been greater, and adults of any age have a variety of options available that may cost nothing now and can provide tax benefits in return while supporting the causes they value.
Bequests & Will Planning
One of the simplest and most common ways to support Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation without giving up assets today is to make is a gift in your will or living trust, known as a charitable bequest.
While planning or updating your will, tell your attorney that you want to make a gift to the Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation and provide our bequest language. Your attorney will add this wording to your will.
By including a bequest to the Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation in your will or living trust, you are ensuring that we can impact the lives of Brothers for years to come. Gifts of this kind leave a lasting legacy while reducing future tax burdens on family and loved ones.
Specific Bequest: a gift of a specific dollar amount or asset
Sample language: “I give $[ __] to the Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation (Tax ID 13-6266432), 10 West Carmel Dr., Suite 220, Carmel, IN 46032, for the advancement of its educational mission.”
Residual Bequest: a gift of the remaining balance of an estate
Sample language: “I give [ __] percent of the residue of my estate to the Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation (Tax ID 13-6266432), 10 West Carmel Dr., Suite 220, Carmel, IN 46032, for the advancement of its educational mission.”
Contingent Bequest: a gift contingent upon outliving one or more other beneficiary
Sample Language: “If [beneficiary or beneficiaries] do / does not survive me, then I give [__ percent / $__] to the Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation (Tax ID 13-6266432), 10 West Carmel Dr., Suite 220, Carmel, IN 46032, for the advancement of its educational mission.”
Leaving a bequest of certain assets in your will or trust for charitable use ensures that 100% of your gift will be used to support the Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation.
Example Gift | Individual Beneficiary | Educational Foundation |
Gift Amount | $100,000 | $100,000 |
Income Tax | 28% | 0% |
Net Amount | $72,000 | $100,000 |
Beneficiary Designations
When you open a financial account or insurance policy, you’re asked to designate a beneficiary of that account. Retirement accounts, investment accounts, bank accounts, life insurance policies, and certificates of deposit all require that you designate someone to receive the account assets after your lifetime. These assets transfer outside of a will or trust, through beneficiary designation forms you completed when the accounts were opened.
Reviewing your beneficiary designations periodically is a good idea to make sure they are complete and up-to-date as life circumstances change or for any new accounts that need a beneficiary to be designated.
Donors may give all or part of their retirement assets (IRA, 401(k), 403(b), pension, etc.) which may otherwise be taxed at greater rates if left to other beneficiaries. By designating the Educational Foundation as the beneficiary on their retirement assets, donors can reduce their tax burden and share a larger portion with family and loved ones.
Similar to a bequest, donors may also choose to designate the Educational Foundation as a full, partial, or contingent beneficiary of their life insurance policy.
If you have savings bonds that have stopped earning interest, they may be a tax liability for you. If you redeem your bonds, you will owe income tax on the appreciation. Leaving them to loved ones means they will owe income tax when they cash the bonds and perhaps estate taxes, too. In the end, your heirs will receive only a fraction of the value of the bonds in which you so carefully invested.
You could these avoid taxes and give your savings bonds new life by leaving them to the Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation, and as a tax exempt organization, we will receive the full value of your savings. Just a single sentence in your will or living trust completes your gift.
Sample language:
I bequeath my savings bonds, serial numbers___________ to the Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation (Tax ID 13-6266432), 10 West Carmel Drive, Carmel, IN 46032.
A donor advised fund (DAF) is a giving account that allows donors to make a charitable contribution, receive an immediate tax deduction and then recommend grants from the fund over time. Donors can contribute to the fund as often as they like, and recommend grants to charitable organizations at any time.
Donor advised funds are a simple way to plan and manage your giving to Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation and other nonprofit organizations while maximizing your tax benefits from charitable donations and tax benefits.
Please use the following information when recommending a grant from your donor advised fund: Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation (Tax ID 13-6266432), 10 West Carmel Dr., Suite 220, Carmel, IN 46032
Designating Lambda Chi Alpha as a beneficiary of your bank accounts, certificates of deposit or brokerage accounts is a simple and straightforward way to support the Brotherhood and planning your giving.
Transfer on Death (TOD), or Payable on Death (POD) provisions allow your assets, such as broker accounts or bank accounts, to be transferred directly to a charity after your death, bypassing the delays and costs associated with probate. They allow you to fully benefit from your assets during your lifetime, and then qualify as a charitable deduction against any estate taxes that might be due.
Transfer on Death, or Payable on Death arrangements can be made at your financial institution by filling out their required form.
Use the following information to designate Lambda Chi Alpha as a beneficiary: Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation (Tax ID 13-6266432), 10 West Carmel Dr., Suite 220, Carmel, IN 46032
Leaving a beneficiary designation of certain assets for charitable use ensures that 100% of your gift will be used to support the Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation.
Example Gift | Individual Beneficiary | Educational Foundation |
Gift Amount | $100,000 | $100,000 |
Income Tax | 28% | 0% |
Net Amount | $72,000 | $100,000 |
Distributions from IRAs, DAFs & Charitable Trusts
The simplest planned gift is a beneficiary designation, which allows a donor the opportunity to name the Educational Foundation as the beneficiary of unallocated assets, such as:
- Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from an IRA
- Gifts from a Donor Advised Fund (DAF)
- Charitable Lead Trust
- Charitable Remainder Trust
- Gifts of Real Estate
Example Gift | Individual Beneficiary | Educational Foundation |
Gift Amount | $100,000 | $100,000 |
Income Tax | 28% | 0% |
Net Amount | $72,000 | $100,000 |
Leaving a beneficiary designation of certain assets for charitable use ensures that 100% of your gift will be used to support the Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation.
Individuals with a traditional Individual Retirement Account (IRA) that are age 72+ are required to withdrawal a certain amount each year, which is called a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD). These individuals may then gift up to $100,000 / year tax-free, directly to the Educational Foundation.
A donor advised fund (DAF) is a giving account that allows donors to make a charitable contribution, receive an immediate tax deduction and then recommend grants from the fund over time. Donors can contribute to the fund as often as they like, and recommend grants to charitable organizations at any time.
Donor advised funds are a simple way to plan and manage your giving to Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation and other nonprofit organizations while maximizing your tax benefits from charitable donations and tax benefits.
Please use the following information when recommending a grant from your donor advised fund: Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation (Tax ID 13-6266432), 10 West Carmel Dr., Suite 220, Carmel, IN 46032
Creating a Donor Advised Fund: there are many options available establishing your donor advised fund, and many can be done online with
Recommend a grant online: Simply click the link below to find your fund and the system will prompt you through the process. You can also contact your fund manager directly to request a grant to City of Hope.
Please use the following information: Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation
Tax ID 13-6266432
10 West Carmel Drive
Carmel, IN 46032
Direct the final distribution of contributions remaining in your DAF to City of Hope.
When you create your donor advised fund – or update your existing succession plan – you can indicate whether assets remaining in the account will be distributed to charities of your choice or whether you would like to appoint successor advisors to continue to make grants from the account. If you do not name beneficiaries or create another succession plan for your DAF, these funds may be distributed to your financial services firms’ general giving account and may not be used to support the people and causes you might like to designate. We hope you will consider naming City of Hope as beneficiary of your account. Or you can name us to receive a portion of the account value, leaving the remainder for your children or grandchildren to continue your legacy of philanthropy.
You can contribute assets to a charitable lead trust, providing annual gifts to the Educational Foundation for a time. Upon termination, the trust pays the remaining balance to your beneficiaries.
Example: John and Mary Smith gift $1 million to a 20-year charitable lead trust for the Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation to receive $50,000 each year. At the end of 20 years, whatever is given to their son, John Jr.
The IRS estimates that, after 20 years, there will be about $116,000 remaining. That amount is subject to gift and estate tax—but because it is well below the exempt amount, no tax will be due.
If after 20 years there is more money left for your daughter (because the trust assets grew at a greater than predicted rate), it will not be subject to estate tax.
You can contribute assets to a charitable remainder trust in exchange for income for life or a fixed number of years, an immediate income tax deduction, and savings on capital gains tax. Upon death, the trust gifts the remaining balance to the Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation.
Example: John and Mary, both age 76, are concerned that estate taxes could significantly reduce the assets they are able to leave to their heirs. John also wants to make sure that Mary has more than enough income to live on even if she needs long-term care someday.
After discussions with the Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation, John and Mary decide to create a 5% charitable remainder trust funded with $1 million in John’s highly appreciated company stock. John can rest assured knowing that Mary will have an additional $50,000 a year in retirement income.
Additionally, they were able to remove $1 million from their taxable estate and avoid significant capital gains taxes.
An immediate gift of real estate. Donating property outright to Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation frees you from the costs and responsibilities of ownership. If you have owned the property more than a year, you will enjoy a charitable income tax deduction equal to the property’s full fair market value. You will eliminate any capital gain and the gift reduces your future taxable estate.
A gift of real estate in your will or trust. You can include a gift of real estate to Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation in your will or living trust and you will be eligible for a charitable estate tax deduction upon your passing.
A life income gift funded with real estate. Convert your real estate investment into a predictable income flow and realize capital gains and other tax benefits.
A retained life estate gift. You can gift property to the Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation while retaining control of that property for life. In return, you will receive a federal income tax deduction, which can be spread across up to 5 tax years.
Example: John and Mary, both age 75, live on a farm with an appraised value of $1,000,000. They have no children and, after discussing their philanthropic intentions with the Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation, they decide to gift the remainder interest of their property as a life estate. In return, John and Mary are entitled to their property for the remainder of their lives and receive and immediate tax deduction of $668,130, which they can extend up to five years.
Gifts That Pay You Income
There are flexible giving options that allow you to make a difference for current and future Brothers of Lambda Chi Alpha, while receiving an annual, fixed income. Charitable gift annuities and deferred annuities provide you with generous tax incentives and a way to support your family, heirs and loved ones.
If you are considering this type of gift, we recommend that you consult with your financial advisor as well as the Educational Foundation staff team.
Gift Annuities & Remainder Trusts
If you would like to receive a tax deduction while making a gift that pays you an income for life, consider a City of Hope charitable gift annuity.
- Charitable Gift Annuities
- Charitable Remainder Trust
Example Gift | Individual Beneficiary | Educational Foundation |
Gift Amount | $100,000 | $100,000 |
Income Tax | 28% | 0% |
Net Amount | $72,000 | $100,000 |
Leaving a beneficiary designation of certain assets for charitable use ensures that 100% of your gift will be used to support the Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation.
You can transfer cash or appreciated assets to the Educational Foundation in exchange for income for the rest of your life. Upon death, the remaining balance is gifted to the Educational Foundation.
Charitable Gift Annuities allow for flexible giving options, predictable income, and immediate tax benefits:
- Make a gift of at least $25,000 to Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation.
- In exchange you receive fixed annual payments — for as long as you live — at an attractive payment rate and a charitable deduction, too.
- You enjoy the satisfaction of making a gift that benefits you now and, in the future, helps fund innovative research and compassionate patient care.
Example: John Smith, age 76, establishes a $50,000 charitable gift annuity with the Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation, and based on his age, his payment rate will be 6.0%. He will receive an annual income of $3,000 – for the rest of his life! Compare that to the income on a CD earning less than 1%. In addition to this added income, John may also be eligible for a substantial income tax charitable deduction.
You can contribute assets to a charitable remainder trust in exchange for income for life or a fixed number of years, an immediate income tax deduction, and savings on capital gains tax. Upon death, the trust gifts the remaining balance to the Educational Foundation.
Example: John and Mary, both age 76, are concerned that estate taxes could significantly reduce the assets they are able to leave to their heirs. John also wants to make sure that Mary has more than enough income to live on even if she needs long-term care someday.
After discussions with the Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation, John and Mary decide to create a 5% charitable remainder trust funded with $1 million in John’s highly appreciated company stock. John can rest assured knowing that Mary will have an additional $50,000 a year in retirement income.
Additionally, they were able to remove $1 million from their taxable estate and avoid significant capital gains taxes.
DISCLAIMER: The content found on this site is general in nature and intended to be used for informational purposes only. It should not be relied upon as legal, tax, accounting or other professional advice. To determine how a gift or estate planning decision might affect your particular circumstances, it is expressly recommended that you consult an attorney, financial advisor or other qualified professional. Information contained herein was accurate at the time of posting. Figures cited in any examples are for illustrative purposes only. References to tax rates include federal taxes only and are subject to change. State law may further impact your individual results.